As posted by *Sandra Ann Pope*
"Hi, Everyone...I have a *cataract* on one eye and *glaucoma* and have been taking one sachet of *seed based nutritional supplements a day for 6mths now* .
And I can honestly say my vision is 100% improved✅ and the eye pressure is managed now .
But the most amazing thing of all is that, normally with *glaucoma* it tends to make the whites of the eyeball a yellowish tinge , so much so, I could pick out people with the same condition as me .
Also with the *glaucoma* I used to have the tennise ball spots.. floaters..passing my vision ..but not anymore
since taking these *seed based nutritional supplements*✅, my eyeballs are a perfect white and clear colour.
Which to me, proves that *seed nutrition l* has reached my brain and is affecting everything for the better"✅
*Please note that this represents the poster's view and personal experience with the supplements*
*Wow! our products are powerful.*
*Would you want to help yourself and loved ones regain their health? Why not try out *Seed based nutritional supplements* and enjoy the ah-amazing benefits associated with *seed nutrition?*
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We invite you ♂to come learn✍✍✍ about the *super ah-amazing benefits of seed nutrition*✅